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Jack's Tee's - Shirts that say what others dare not think was created in loving memory of the owners' father and grandfather respectively,

Dr. Jack Raher. 

A psychiatrist and psychoanalyst by profession, Jack was known to possess among other traits, uncanny perception, brilliance and a keen sense of humour.  

Whether celebratory or sad, he was a man that had a saying for every occasion. 

Ironically, Jack never wore t-shirts as he did not believe in wearing clothes with words on them.

As a kid, who grew up in Brooklyn New York, Jack had a special appreciation for trees. Washington D.C., his city of residence later in life, received the gift of cherry blossom trees from China which jack drew tremendous joy. A year after his death, when his family returned to his gravesite, they were surprised and deeply moved, to discover a cherry blossom tree in bloom, above his headstone. Thus our cherry blossom logo was conceived.  

Jack's love for nature extended to his special affinity for cats, and his deep connection to the natural beauty of Cape Cod.

The month of August spent in Wellfleet every summer throughout the duration of his son's and daughter's childhoods was one of his greatest gifts and enduring an  legacy to his children. 


Our Vision 

Many of our shirts are inspired by Jack's apt and often cutting one- liners. Others are our own creation, designed to address an array of social issues. We are committed to offering fair trade products that feature attractive designs, coupled with sayings and provide messages with meaning. 

Thank you for shopping Jack's Tees!
We hope you enjoy our shirts and wear them in good health! 
Chasya and Tzippy 
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